Which faction should you choose for Fallout 4 to get the best ending?

My opinion is that the Minuteman ending is the best option for The Commonwealth. It is the only ending that leaves the people in control of their destiny. The railroad ending would be second-best.


The Brotherhood views the people as slaves and masters. The institute views the people as a resource that can be used for their own ends.


Aside from the fact that the Minuteman ending is more interesting than the others, I would also like to add that it gives the player more control over the role. You`re the Brotherhood and you`re escorting Liberty Prime (a giant robot equipped with a head-laser and a backpack filled with nukes).


You teleport to the Institute via the Railroad.


Is the Institute closing? Teleport in, take out some glowing thingsies, and then guard a synth to reprogram Liberty Prime.


Yes, I realize that any faction you choose to side with as a player will win. But with The Minutemen ending it feels like you are the general and the player. After you make the decision to attack The Institute you, your companion, and you alone, (or a friend if you choose), embark on a dangerous mission to infiltrate The Institute. This involves fighting through many powerful enemies before you reach the relay room to teleport your strike force in.


You`re just a grunt who follows orders with the other factions, but the Minutemen are ending and everything is on your shoulders. There is no final assault if you fail to infiltrate the Institute. You`re just with the rest of the group.

